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Cleaning a glass tank safely?


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I have my roaches in an aquarium glass tank. The sides have gotten really dirty and smelly so I'm doing a full cleaning. and hot water and scrubbing aren't enough. Is there something safe to use to clean better? I have antibacterial soap could that be ok if rinsed thoroughly?

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Maybe rubbing alcohol if you let it completely evaporate afterwards.

Maybe ammonia if you let it completely evaporate afterwards.

I'd avoid anything that is antimicrobial, personally. I don't generally even like to use that stuff on myself... I sort of like my good fauna. Perhaps dish-soap would be better

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I am suprized at just how permanently stained glass tanks can get. Razor blades are your friend. I turn the tank on its side and pour enough vinegar to cover the side without spilling and soak. Then scrub with paper towel. Save the razor blade for the stubborn stuff.

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