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Have to large male Madagascar hissers and five what I thought were juvenile females I heard some where that hissers only hiss as adults if that's the case then my females are adults but very much smaller than the males is that correct or do I have two different types of hissers

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I believe hissers can hiss at any stage in their life but in my experience with my two hissers they did seem to only hiss when they were adults or close to adults.

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Can you post some pictures? That would help us tell if they are adults or not. :) Sometimes they will end up small due to lack of a proper diet.

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I'm not sure if this carries over, but my Elliptorhina javanica don't hiss despite there being sexed pairs in the bunch. They hiss in defense though. I'm starting to get worried about my E. javanica. I'm keeping them warm enough to breed, and there are males and females in the tank, but I haven't gotten any babies. I do suspect I have some gravid females because their abdomens are quite plump compared to the male, but I've never seen any of them extend any oothecae or anything.

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Those are the (halloween hissers) right they are awesome looking I thought about getting them but these became avali me first so that's what I got I'm new to Roach's and I'm not sure but madagaskars are live dearers so to speak and unless you happen to catch it at the right time when she has the otheca extended you really wouldn't know unless you keep a detailed measure of there waist line LOL hope some one can help you get it figured out

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A few of my femail hissers are a bit darker than the others and than they used to be could it be a sign there going to molt soon

It is probably just a slight color variation between individuals. I wouldn't worry about it. :)

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It is probably just a slight color variation between individuals. I wouldn't worry about it. :)

OK I'll stop worrying about it so much just made me nervouse thanks and I didn't see that you responded here before I posted on other forum I post most things both places to help get as much info as possible

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if this carries over, but my Elliptorhina javanica don't hiss despite there being sexed pairs in the bunch. They hiss in defense though. I'm starting to get worried about my E. javanica. I'm keeping them warm enough to breed, and there are males and females in the tank, but I haven't gotten any babies. I do suspect I have some gravid females because their abdomens are quite plump compared to the male, but I've never seen any of them extend any oothecae or anything.

That's interesting..i have E javanica in a communal enclosure with G portentosa. The portentosa were breeding well, then the nymphs started dying. The javanica are breeding very well now and the nymphs are thriving..I was thinking it wasn't moist enough for the portentosa, and maybe the javanica nymphs don't need as much moisture? Not sure..I'm still rather new to roaches.

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