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Questions about Blaberus sp. and Eublaberus

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I'm planning on starting a few colonies of Blaberus, and the room i'll be keeping them in stays at 75f to 80f. I'm planning on B. Atropos. I was also thinking of getting B. Discoidalis but while looking them up I saw B. sp Venezuela and B. cf Chacoensis and I like the look of both of these more than the Discoids. My question is do all these grow and breed at about the same rate or do any of them grow or breed faster/slower than the rest. Also i like the look of E. Posticus but keep seeing everyone take about there strong defensive odor. Just how bad is it. Is it as bad as cricket, worse, not as bad?

Thanks for any info

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I only have e posticas right now but i think they are fine. I think the key is an open or fully meshed top like a aquarium. If theres to lil air flow you notice a smell similar to an ashtray. At least thats what i think it smells like. Even at their most intense its better then crickets.

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Blaberus atropos are very nice, I have some myself and they seem to be quite hardy. I also have Blaberus sp. "Venezuela", and they seem to grow a little faster than B.atropos. Never kept B.cf chacoensis so I can't say how fast those grow compared to the other species.

Can anyone help on what to feed? I can't get my guys and gals to eat -_-

Mine like dog food and apple, I have had no trouble getting any of my Blaberus to feed. My hybrids barely eat anything, but they just seem to have very small appetites, even though they are pretty big.

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I have Eublaberus "pantanal". The defensive odor is fleeting. I only notice it when I am digging for nymphs. Even then it is not overpowering or offensive. Kind of vinegarish.

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