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Reccomendation: do not keep millipedes with roaches

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For years now I have had a giant Black African millipede.


That is no longer the case due to a mistake on my part.


I keep dubia, which are not as cannibalistic as Eublaberus or Blaberus in my experience. I've also been keeping superworms with them without any discernible issue.


I decided to put my millipede in with my roaches.


The next day I found an empty millipede shell. I don't know if they killed her and ate her, or if she died and they ate her. I don't believe she was molting, the most likely scenario to me is that she died of the stress of going from a solitary life to being in a colony of roaches; and then they ate her. At least, I hope so.


Anyway, for anyone Googling, please do not keep roaches and millipedes together.

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3 hours ago, jebbewocky said:

For years now I have had a giant Black African millipede.


That is no longer the case due to a mistake on my part.


I keep dubia, which are not as cannibalistic as Eublaberus or Blaberus in my experience. I've also been keeping superworms with them without any discernible issue.


I decided to put my millipede in with my roaches.


The next day I found an empty millipede shell. I don't know if they killed her and ate her, or if she died and they ate her. I don't believe she was molting, the most likely scenario to me is that she died of the stress of going from a solitary life to being in a colony of roaches; and then they ate her. At least, I hope so.


Anyway, for anyone Googling, please do not keep roaches and millipedes together.

Did you have superworms in there? I had a friend years ago with a 55-gallon tank filled with captive reared African Giant Black millipedes and Blaberus and they grew up from eggs with the Blaberus.

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Yeah, but not very many. Definitely not enough to mob the millipede. It could have easily escaped superworms. I also went through and moved any superworms I could find to my vermicomposting system.


The dubia just don't seem like they're interested in live prey to have been the issue. The millipede seemed fine until this happened. Death from stress is the only thing that makes sense to me. I suppose there could have been an underlying issue I didn't know about and the stress caused it to kill it of course.

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