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  1. Yeah, but not very many. Definitely not enough to mob the millipede. It could have easily escaped superworms. I also went through and moved any superworms I could find to my vermicomposting system. The dubia just don't seem like they're interested in live prey to have been the issue. The millipede seemed fine until this happened. Death from stress is the only thing that makes sense to me. I suppose there could have been an underlying issue I didn't know about and the stress caused it to kill it of course.
  2. For years now I have had a giant Black African millipede. That is no longer the case due to a mistake on my part. I keep dubia, which are not as cannibalistic as Eublaberus or Blaberus in my experience. I've also been keeping superworms with them without any discernible issue. I decided to put my millipede in with my roaches. The next day I found an empty millipede shell. I don't know if they killed her and ate her, or if she died and they ate her. I don't believe she was molting, the most likely scenario to me is that she died of the stress of going from a solitary life to being in a colony of roaches; and then they ate her. At least, I hope so. Anyway, for anyone Googling, please do not keep roaches and millipedes together.
  3. I had multiple generations of Blaberus giganteus from 1 M/F pair. The only "issue" I noticed was seemingly increasingly strange pronutum patterns, but that could easily be observation bias.
  4. Unless you have some sort of lineage traceable hissers, or it is some other specific taxa, always assume that hissers means hybrids of G.portentosa. Those were widely hybridized in the past. Same with many Blaberus. I'm not throwing anyone under the bus here, just stating a reality of the hobby. I've kept G.portentosa in the past and likely will again.
  5. I was going to say similar. The spines on my Eublaberus distanti are pretty wicked--I only feed them to my biggest tarantulas and I would not offer them to any lizards smaller than a beardie or a bluey.
  6. I almost never handle my roachy charges. They don't like it, and because of the rashes and lung issues, neither do I. I still enjoy the hobby though.
  7. Same here. I actually get lung issues if I get exposed to the frass too much. Try keeping them moister, it keeps the allergens down and if you add microfauna that can help too.
  8. I'd freeze it in cubes, mixed with fruits and veggies, just like I do for my bluey. I only have one bluey so the cubes can get a bit old since he only eats one a week, and if I could feed some to my roaches then I'd be able to renew the stuff more often.
  9. I know dry dog food is pretty standard for roaches. Mine have never gone for it much. I buy wet dog food, specifically Merrick, for my blue tongue skink..and I tried it for my Eublaberus distanti and they seemed to love it. Does anyone know of any reason not to use this more often for my Eublaberus and Blaberus?
  10. Update: I added a good 3" or so of coco-coir and that like..chunky coconut husk and sprayed it down. The increase in humidity seems to have helped out with my death rate. No idea about the wings yet, but I am hopeful.
  11. I got a horned frog to keep my roach colonies manageable since my tarantulas don't need much. He is scared of them, so he gets mice.
  12. To clarify: yes, they need a source of water. However, they do not need a dish of water. In fact, I would discourage using a dish as you'd end up with drowned nymphs. The best way to provide water IMO is either to spray the sides of the enclosure which allows them to drink from the sides, or (what I do) provide vegetables and fruits that have moisture. That's more than sufficient. I have used the water crystals, but stopped because they don't seem to like them much. The crystals are also plastic and I don't see any good coming of that.
  13. Another thing to watch out for is anaerobic build-up. I've run into that with my colony--I was overfeeding and offering food that was too moist I think.
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