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lobs vs. lats


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Please tell me witch feeder roach should i pick: lobster roach or lateralis???

I cant decide,so i am asking you guys witch sp. would you pick (or you already did)and why???

Alsaw tell me if lobs dig themeselves in substrat when offered as food???


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Well....i had many species of roaches( 6 species) few years ago but my mum got crazy beacouse of them so i got rid of them. :(

So now i am only allowed to bring one sp. of roaches in the house for feeders.

I have read many topics of roaches and this two sp. seem ideal for feeding.

i am only wooried if they would be to smal for big Ts,centipedes,scorps....??!!!

Are they the same size(lobs and lats)-are they bigger or the same size as crickets(acheta domestica)???

PS:sorry for so many silly questions!


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No problem.

If your mom doesn't like roaches B. lateralis may be the poorest choice since they might be able to set up residence. Adult lateralis are smaller than crickets while adult lobsters are bigger, newborn/hatchlings of both are quite a bit bigger than a hatchling cricket (lobsters are live bearing, turkistans lay eggs). I find lobsters work great for Ts and Scorps but not very well for centipedes.

(I just find it easier to have multiple species going for feeding purposes.)

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I actually prefer lats over lobs. Here are some reasons

non climber

easy to sex male from female

very fast breeder, fastest of the non climbers, can hold it's own in that dept with lobs, give or take a few

fast. I like the speed. Nothing gets attention like a fast moving feeder

lats don't hide like lobs do.

nutrition, lats slightly more nutritious than lobs

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  • 3 weeks later...


I just got my package of 100 lobster roaches of various sizes. I dont know maybe is just me or do lobster nimfs realy look like hisser nimfs. They are bouth soft bodyed, smell the same, climb glass, their bodye features are all most the same....

so here comes my question: Are hissers and lobs closely related?

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I believe that Lobs, hissers, and madierans are all located in one monophyletic group.


I just got my package of 100 lobster roaches of various sizes. I dont know maybe is just me or do lobster nimfs realy look like hisser nimfs. They are bouth soft bodyed, smell the same, climb glass, their bodye features are all most the same....

so here comes my question: Are hissers and lobs closely related?

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  • 2 months later...


I am proud owner of coloni of around 100 lobs for two months now. Humidity is ok, temps are arownd 30 °C

(dont know how much is that in F-i am using heat cable.), food is good....so...everything is perfect. But still no babies-is this :wacko:normal? The oldest adults are 2 months old. How long is their gestation period??? When can I acspect to see their first babies.

plz answer my qu estions qz i am worried and impatient.

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C mon guys plz answer! :blink:

Seriously, just check in the tub and look for very small nymphs. You may have them after the time is over two months of adults. Keep the temp a little cooler- like 27 or 28 degrees. They can tolerate well a daily temp range from 24 to 30 degrees. Mine thrive at room temp but get warmed just a small amount every day.

Growing a colony is like growing a plant sometimes- you just have to be patient, it will do what it needs to do.

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