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I'm bad at introductions, but anyway, I'm Ralph. I keep G. portentosa and am looking into Blaberus giganteus or fusca. I've already made a few posts here. Look for my Blaberus giganteus or fusca? thread, second in General Discussions. I never knew that there were so many other roach people!

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Thanks for the suggestion! I read that giganteus would occasionally drop dead for no apparent reason. I'm aiming for a small colony of maybe 3-4. What is a good male-female ratio that wouldn't produce too many babies? Also, does Blaberus.com sells sexed subadults?

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Hey Ralph, Welcome to the fourm. Yep, most of the roach people in the hobby hang out here...great group!

I agree with Orin... Blaberus giganteus is a VERY impressive species. Orin recently sent me a picture of a B. giganteus with a wingspan of 145mm+... WOW is all you can say. I have Orin's bloodline- they are 100% pure...the best I've ever seen (you can pm him here or email from his website: http://www.angelfire.com/oh3/elytraandantenna/ )...I've had other bloodlines in the past but they never reached as large at this one.

I have no experience with Blaberus fusca- sorry (so my opinion is only based on my personnal experience with B. giganteus).

James at Blaberus.com is a good guy/friend with great roaches...you can always ask him if he can get you sexed subadults.



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Thanks for the warm welcome! Do you know how often giganteus has nymphs, and how many per clutch/brood/whateveritscalled? They really are huge.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the warm welcome! Do you know how often giganteus has nymphs, and how many per clutch/brood/whateveritscalled? They really are huge.
It varies but on average I'd say less then two months apart and around thirty. If they're a little neglected the answer is never and zero.
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