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Hello from Wisconsin!

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HI there! I'm Megan. I currently have 10 Gromphadorhina portentosa. I got my first Hisser when I was about five (lucky for me my family has always been supportive of my love of insects). They have always been pets for me, but I'm thinking about raising the temperatures and moving a few out of my display cage to start breeding. I happened across this forum when I was looking for information on keeping Elliptorhina Javanica and G. Portentosa together. Any ideas on this? Thanks for your help!

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Hello LRL and welcome!

I'm not sure whether those two species will interbreed. I suspect they cannot, if the E. javanica are from Java, but maybe somebody else would know for sure. Aside from the potential hybrid issue, you could definitely keep them together. They would probably do better in separate containers in the longrun and possibly be difficult to discern amongst as small nymphs, but it's your tank.

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Welcome! The Elliptorhina have different male genitalia from the Gromphadorhina so chances of interbreeding are probably very close to zero. The various Gromphadorhina all have the same which is why they cross in captivity and should never be housed together.

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