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Hello from Hong Kong


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Hi there!

Here is how I got hooked! I talked about hissing roaches appears on newspaper to my friend whose trading reptiles about a year ago, surprisingly, he still remembers, and got me some tiger stripe hissers recently. I am definitely hooked, and managed to secured myself some Madagascar hissers as well. But its very hard to find roaches here, most ppl just keep a few common species as feeders. Found a local trading post on white stripes, mini hissers and mini tiger stripe hissers, but that's over a year old, hopefully they're still available. And its damn hard to find anyone willing to shipping internationally, understandably, its hard to enough to keep them alive during transit, not to mention clearing customs, and stuffs.

Anyway, thanks for the great forum, I found a wealth of information that I would never find locally.



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Wow would love to live in Hong Kong and collect roaches. Welcome, sure you can find lots of roaches there I'd druel over.

Hi there!

Here is how I got hooked! I talked about hissing roaches appears on newspaper to my friend whose trading reptiles about a year ago, surprisingly, he still remembers, and got me some tiger stripe hissers recently. I am definitely hooked, and managed to secured myself some Madagascar hissers as well. But its very hard to find roaches here, most ppl just keep a few common species as feeders. Found a local trading post on white stripes, mini hissers and mini tiger stripe hissers, but that's over a year old, hopefully they're still available. And its damn hard to find anyone willing to shipping internationally, understandably, its hard to enough to keep them alive during transit, not to mention clearing customs, and stuffs.

Anyway, thanks for the great forum, I found a wealth of information that I would never find locally.



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Thanks for all the replies. I thought about local species, and checked them out in the local library. Officially, there are just 31 native roach species in Hong Kong, most are small, quick, and flight able which make them less desirable as pets, but there are still a few special ones such as Hemithyrsocera lateralis. I live in a village, and I have a roof garden, so maybe if I keep my eyes open, I will catch some of them while I tend to my plants.

Most ppl here just keep Dubia and Cherry Head as feeders, and that's only minority compare to other feeders, such as crickets and scolopendras since 99% of ppl here would go YUCK when you talk about roaches.

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