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LOL!!! Ones that don't hiss...

These are my current favorites as pet roaches. Some hiss, some climb. Note that some that climb such as the Eurycotis decipiens (Zebra Roach) and the Therea genus are some of the coolest pet roaches.

Aeluropoda insignis (Flat Horn Madagascar Hissing Roach)

Archimandrita tesselata (Peppered Roach)

Blaberus boliviensis (Bolivian / Double-Dot Roach)

Blaberus giganteus (Giant Cave Roach)

Blaptica dubia (Guyana Spotted Roach)

Byrsotria rothi (Roth's Giant Burrowing Roach)

Elliptorhina chopardi (Dwarf Madagascar Hissing Roach)

Elliptorhina javanica (Halloween Madagascar Hissing Roach)

Ergaula capucina (Burmese Beetle Mimic Roach)

Ergaula sp. "Black Giant" (Big Black Beetle Mimic Roach)

Eublaberus distanti (Six Spot Roach)

Eublaberus posticus (Orange Head Roach)

Eublaberus sp. "Ivory" (Ivory Head Roach)

Eublaberus sp. "Pantanal (Headlamp Roach)

Eurycotis decipiens (Zebra Roach)

Eurycotis opaca "Burgundy" (Scrub Roach)

Gromphadorhina grandidieri (Tiger Hisser Roach)

Gromphadorhina grandidieri "Black" (Black Tiger Hisser Roach)

Gromphadorhina oblongonota (Wide Horn Madagascar Hissing Roach)

Gromphadorhina portentosa (Madagascar Hissing Roach)

Gyna lurida (Porcelain Roach [Yellow Form])

Polyphaga aegyptiaca (Egyptian Desert Roach)

Therea petiveriana (Domino Roach)

Therea olegrandjeani (Question Mark Roach)

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Blabberous Discoidus are easy to handle, they don't climb glass. They're a light brown color, just a little brighter brown than German. I've seen many more colorful ones on this forum: Harlequin are yellow and black stripe; Canopy are light blue; Green Cuban creamy light green. I agree Peppered are beautiful also. I've forgotten some, but that's a start.

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the harliquin are too small,fast,and good climbers I love them as my pest but not for everyone

Panchlora Nivea=green cuban? those are fliers and not that large

he has trouble with seeing small objects

Discoids would be a good size and they are decent to handle

all Blaberus would be good for size but sometimes they can be harder to handle my Craniifers are almost impossible to handle,but not to many problems with Giganteus or Discoids just they hide most of the time

they like to hide most of the time but my favorite species that I want to handle more Is L.subcincta but even they might be too small L.Verrucosa gets bigger but Ive never owned the species

sorry for rambling lol long work day

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the harliquin are too small,fast,and good climbers I love them as my pest but not for everyone

Panchlora Nivea=green cuban? those are fliers and not that large

he has trouble with seeing small objects

Discoids would be a good size and they are decent to handle

all Blaberus would be good for size but sometimes they can be harder to handle my Craniifers are almost impossible to handle,but not to many problems with Giganteus or Discoids just they hide most of the time

they like to hide most of the time but my favorite species that I want to handle more Is L.subcincta but even they might be too small L.Verrucosa gets bigger but Ive never owned the species

sorry for rambling lol long work day

A model Green Cuban roach I saw at Cornell University was pretty huge. Maybe there's differnet genuses? of that species that are different size. As for rambling, I ramble about roaches longer and more often than you did. Just love all kinds to death!!

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that was a mini ramble lol my cousin/business partner tells me to shut up like 5 times day

for the green cuban roach I was asking if it was that species I do believe there is a larger banana roach strain

Oh and I just purchased a new mister 2gal flomaster at homedepot less then $20 if anyone is in need thing works great atleast untill we get the misting system in place

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