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New Bug Keeper!


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Hey there everyone! My name is Emma, I live in the US (in the state of Maine). I've always loved creepy crawlies, as a child a wanted a tarantula but my parents wouldn't allow it. So my insect love was contained to outdoor adventures, or catching Monarch caterpillars to facilitate their transformation into butterflies. It was years before I tried again to get a pet insect, and when I did try my mother didn't like the idea of having a scorpion in the house.

My family have always been animal lovers, we currently have a pair of Australian Cattle Dogs, three cats, a cockatiel, a ball python, and a corn snake. I myself own a pair of rabbits.

I'm so very excited to say I have a pair of hissers on their way! They should be here tomorrow, it feels like Christmas!

Thanks for listening to my rambling, and since I've never had a pet cockroache can you fine folks give me any tips?

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Welcome! Sounds like you've got some great pets love the mix!

Browse around the site there is tons of info about Hisser care and many things to learn that's half the fun. As a Hisser owner I can tell you they are one of the most popular roaches to keep and can live between 2 and 5 years.

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Welcome zurrz! Basic care of hissers, keep em around 80 degrees, feed them lots of fruits and veggies, and mist them every day or two. In a few months you'll have tons of babies to contain... a secure tight fitting top or a line of vasaline around the top is a must! Have fun

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Welcome! Lots of great info, pics, and people on this forum. Hope you enjoy keeping roaches, it's a very addicting hobby! ;)

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Welcome :) You can't go wrong with hissers, they're wonderful! When I got my first I kept it in a goldfish bowl and fed her breakfast cereal and bananas! Not something I would recommend but goes to show how hardy they really are because she lived for a long time afterwards! Take the others' advice on housing and feeding :P

My tip would be... introduce them to every house guest, it makes for hilarious reaction photos :P

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My roaches showed up...dead.

They were packaged very poorly, they didn't survive the trip. I had a lengthy customer service discussion with the company I bought them from and my money is being refunded. But here I am with an empty habitat and crushing disappointment.

Maybe it sounds stupid, but but I'm pretty heart broken. I loved those little roaches before I even met them.

So I still don't have a bug pet.

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My roaches showed up...dead.

They were packaged very poorly, they didn't survive the trip. I had a lengthy customer service discussion with the company I bought them from and my money is being refunded. But here I am with an empty habitat and crushing disappointment.

Maybe it sounds stupid, but but I'm pretty heart broken. I loved those little roaches before I even met them.

So I still don't have a bug pet.

I can empathize with you. When I ordered my first roaches, Blaberus giganteus, they came dead. I was devastated for weeks.Sorry for the loss. :unsure:

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