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Gromphadorhina oblongonota


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Anyone keep Gromphadorhina oblongata ?

I have two adult males and two adult females. They just don't seem to eat much, very picky. They ate eating rose leaves, apples and lettice but barely nible. There are feces on the ground so I know they are eating, but hardly at all !! Not like my G. portentosa anyway.


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Anyone keep Gromphadorhina oblongonata ?

I have two adult males and two adult females. They just don't seem to eat much, very picky. They ate eating rose leaves, apples and lettice but barely nible. There are feeces on the ground so I know they are eatting, but hardly at all !! Not like my G. Portentose anyway.


What is the enclosure like? Size, substrate, climbing objects, etc.

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All four are in a glass 2 1/2 gallon screen top aquarium. Bowl of water and dried ground up dog food ( they don't seem to like either). They are next to a lamp so they are 80 degrees. They remain hidden all day. Maybe they need a substraight? maybe they don't like light ?

Any help would be usefull. Not active at all but seem healthy.

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They completely devourered two fresh oak leaves last night and took a bite out of a rose leaf. I will remove the typical dog food and feed them leaves. These are not your typical hissers !!! One of the females shed. She is about 3 inches now.


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They completely devourered two fresh oak leaves last night and took a bite out of a rose leaf. I will remove the typical dog food and feed them leaves. These are not your typical hissers !!! One of the females shed. She is about 3 inches now.


They are very nocturnal (no bright light). No need to grind up anything to feed them. Mine eat just about any vegetable or green salad leaves and sticks of fish food with some occasional fruit.

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Thanks Matt....I looked at them before work this morning around 6:00am and a male was in the grounf dog food dish chowing down. They are doing fine but may just have a slower metabolism that G. Portentosa.

Great that they are eating!

When you have more they will eat as many handfuls of food as G.portentosa if not more. Mine are hungry hippos...

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Are these really much bigger than G. portentosa? They seem very rarely offered.

I would not say bigger. Just different. More long and less oval and different colors, more red with black and white as opposed to the G.portentosa amber and nut brown colors with black added. Let's compare two males of same approximate age and average color for thier species:

Here is G. oblongata:


and here is G. portentosa:


Just keep in mind that (in my opinion) G.portentosa may be the most variable species of hisser when it comes to coloration, but they are rarely ever as 'red' as an oblongata.

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Interesting! Also, is there any hisser species with very prominent horns(I've heard of some G. portentosa with larger horns than normal).

"Prominent" being a relative term.... G. grandidieri maybe more so than G.portentosa. There are a few that when the males are big and old they have pretty big horns, but nothing that sticks out like some beetles' prominences. Though it would be VERY cool if they did stick out an inch or so!

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  • 5 years later...

I am not sure if other people in this thread are comparing hybrids. I have verified 100% pure stock from Kyle at Roach Crossing. When I compare my pure stock Gromphadorhina oblongonota (Wide Horn Madagascar Hissing Roach) to my Gromphadorhina portentosa (Madagascar Hissing Roach), my

Gromphadorhina oblongonota (Wide Horn Madagascar Hissing Roach) males are just massive. They have a thickness and length that is very impressive.

Not all of my males are this way but some are almost as long as my Blaberus giganteus males (Giant Cave Roach) but very heavy. They are the heaviest roaches I have. I would imagine that they are second in weight to all of the hobby roaches accept for the rhinos. This is just my experience.

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I just had a female give birth today! She loves apples,bananas, mashed dry cat food with water added to make a paste, white bread, rose and oak leaves and rotting tree bark, romaine lettuce, and fruit baby food like apples and banana and chicken/turkey baby food. She will also eat oranges but prefers apples and bananas. She loves to be misted with water and drinks the droplets.

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  • 7 years later...

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