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Beef jerky. :P


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My mom won't let me put hamburger meat, cooked OR raw, in my orange head tank to curve their appetite.

Is beef jerky okay?

I would imagine it would make the roaches extremely thirsty or possibly kill them. Beef jerky is extremely loaded with preservatives artificial flavors and sodium among other things. If your worried about your orange heads getting enough protean, dog food , ferret food or cat food should be work.

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I would imagine it would make the roaches extremely thirsty or possibly kill them. Beef jerky is extremely loaded with preservatives artificial flavors and sodium among other things. If your worried about your orange heads getting enough protean, dog food , ferret food or cat food should be work.

I've been giving them dog food, but I've read about their insatiable lust for meat. x.x

I'll get it out right away then.

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I've been giving them dog food, but I've read about their insatiable lust for meat. x.x

I'll get it out right away then.

I'm not saying it will definately kill them or hurt them... but just doesn't sound like a great idea. Try this, if you have an especially large colony of another species of roaches around throw one of the newly molted pure white nymphs of that species in with your orange heads.

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Hmm... Perhaps.

Are fish high in protein?

Fish are very high in protein, I would avoid using goldfish though unless they are frozen while they are still alive. When they die they secrete something, I can't remember what, but it's harmful to snakes, not sure about roaches but better safe than sorry I guess.

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Leaving raw meat out is a bit unsanitary. I have to agree with your Mom on this one. I'm sure she'd be happy to pick a small box of dried dog food up at the store next time she goes. The box would last you FOREVER as you only need to put a few bits in each week. And it's a lot cheaper than jerky!

Also, I've raised Orange Heads without added protein in their diets. They turned out just fine.


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Dog food supplies plenty of protein. Few, if any, long time roach keepers add meat to the cockroach diet, it's unnecessary.

I have had Orangeheads longer than anything else I have- about 10 years, maybe 11. I never feed meat. I give them veggies, fruit, what's left of my sandwich, watermelon rind, on rare occasion a little cat food, fish food, old bread, they seem to eat just about anything other than seeds of any kind and banana peel. Its a great way to really clean a peach pit, though.....

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