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Yellow Dubia Project UPDATE

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Thought I'd post a quick update on progress 

Sorted all 3 Dubia Colonies today 2 Normal (had to split the original a while ago as it was growing too large) and the Yellow 

So I'm now seeing A LOT of tiny almost pure yellow nymphs in the yellow colony varying from pale to dark yellow some with no visible markings some with a few faint markings (and quite a few in the normal colonies as well) in fact I took many yellow from both normal colonies but not many dark from the yellow colony so I'm definetly going in the right direction it should be very interesting to see what final colouring these yellow nymphs have when they mature 

Also noticed quite a few distinctly orange striped/banded sub adults and adults so I'm considering separating those on the next big sort out as I believe they're coming from the yellow not the normal 

Every time I take out excess males for feeders I always get the darkest ones first and only leave the paler ones to breed and I'm noticing a huge difference already 

Tbh I completely forgot to take any pics but I was a bit busy and going sun blind as I sorted them all outside but  I'll try and get some and add them in here 

As always any comments advice information welcome 


(The pic shows a few yellow types I removed from one of the normal colonies )






Hi I've noticed the old yellow dubia posts and I've been trying to develope my own yellow colony for some time and wanted to post some pics but no idea how my apologies for being technically inept any advice welcome as I'm interested in some experienced opinions 

Many thanks 







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@Silverback You can attach the pictures directly to your post, as long as each picture, and the overall total of multiple pictures, is less than 300kb/0.3mb. In which case the pictures are hosted on the forum's server space. You should see an 'add files' option below the text space when you type out a post.

Alternatively, upload your photos to a photo- or file-hosting service, and embed image links in your post. (I use flickr. Although here, I have to confess my own ignorance of alternatives. I used to use imageshack when it was free. I don't know if a cloud service like google drive or dropbox would work too.)

You should be able to get an address or url from that, looking something like: https://www.file-name-or-numbers.jpg

Copy that address (you may need to highlight and right click)

Look to the bottom right of your post options here on the Roach Forum, where it says 'other media'. To the right of 'add files'.

Click that, then click 'insert image from URL'

The selected photo should show up in your post. Place the cursor before inserting the URL, if you want the photo to be positioned at a certain point of your post.


Looking forward to see your results!

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Thank you Warren much appreciated mate I'm a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to technology 😳 I saw the URL thing and had no idea what to do with it

 I actually only use 1 app which is for my Ts (60) Pods (15 colonies) Roaches (16 colonies) Assassin's (3 colonies + currently rearing 300 nymphs) Scorpions 2 Centipedes 1 (more coming) MTUs (10 pupae) Sun Beetles (1 colony) Mealworms + Snakes 3 and lastly Male physcotic iguana 1

and I'd be lost without it my other half finally persuaded me to try it and I love it no journals taking hours to fill in and tells me when feedings are due etc brilliant

Didn't realise I had so much till I started listing it 🧐

Anyways thanks again and I'll give it a try 



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Damn I did it I've actually postedScreenshot_20220310-145424.png.db3de5da5250ad28a7939f91826a3ad2.png a pic my first one and yes it's a big thing for me so all you young people stop laughing 

So this pic was taken a few days ago when I sorted my normal and yellow dubia colonies out

Nothing very scientific I'm afraid just separated any lighter ones to a separate colony then I regularly sort both Colonies and take the any normal/darker ones out the yellows and back into the normals and any lighter/yellow in the normal go into the yellow colony 

The end goal is to have a perfect yellow colony only producing yellow with no darker ones 

Opinions comments welcomed






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1 hour ago, Silverback said:


Damn I did it I've actually postedScreenshot_20220310-145424.png.db3de5da5250ad28a7939f91826a3ad2.png a pic my first one and yes it's a big thing for me so all you young people stop laughing 

So this pic was taken a few days ago when I sorted my normal and yellow dubia colonies out

Nothing very scientific I'm afraid just separated any lighter ones to a separate colony then I regularly sort both Colonies and take the any normal/darker ones out the yellows and back into the normals and any lighter/yellow in the normal go into the yellow colony 

The end goal is to have a perfect yellow colony only producing yellow with no darker ones 

Opinions comments welcomed






Maybe you should also separate the darker ones too... I for one would love a pitch-black dubia morph.

Also, this thread might help you with your project: 


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Thanks I've actually read that it was very interesting and sorry but I've no interest in black ones ATM the main point of the yellows was I like yellow insects but also so I could see the buggers easier when feeding as I have big issues seeing dark on dark I've also seen 1 very orange one so hoping to get a few more of them so I can separate for another colony

I've also seen a few light grey quite shiny morphs in my lobster colony which I'm thinking of separating as with the speed they breed it would develope the morph very quickly 

Take care 





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That sounds like a quick turnaround.

As soon as I got my Archimandrita tesselata nymphs last year, I noticed some were more orange-tinted than others. It might take longer than eight months to make anything of it, though.

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I was just about to order some of those the problem is I only use dubia (dark) - Runners - Lobsters for feeders so the others are just free loaders 🤣

Also looking to get some

H Flexivitta as they'll also make great feeders but very hard to find

Don't really think about how many roaches I've got now 

Dubia (dark and yellow) - Orange Head - Runners - Lobsters - P Nivea - P sp Giant - Domino - Question Mark - Gyna Cafforum and Lurida (also want several more gyna) - Red Headed - Dwarf Hissers - Halloween Hissers (also want several more hissers) don't think I've forgotten any 🤔

My other half passionately detests all roaches but don't think she realises just how many I've got as she never looks thankfully 😁

Quick question for Roach people 

My gyna cafforum colony is exploding weekly yet my Lurida colony is much much slower 

My Domino colony same as the cafforum also exploding but the question mark same as the Lurida much much slower 

Thoughts advice welcomed







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Those are some very nice looking dubias, perhaps a replacement for the yellow line Johnfrost was isolating years ago. Hope you're successful! 

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Thank you Hisserdude but I'm certainly not as scientific as he was but my simpler approach seems to be working and I'm looking for a yellow with as little dark as possible in fact preferably none just pure yellow but I think my end goal will take some considerable time 

Your obviously an experienced keeper I've read many of your posts any thoughts on my Gyna Lurida and Question Mark being slow to get going compared to the cafforum and Domino 





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1 hour ago, Silverback said:

Thank you Hisserdude but I'm certainly not as scientific as he was but my simpler approach seems to be working and I'm looking for a yellow with as little dark as possible in fact preferably none just pure yellow but I think my end goal will take some considerable time 

Your obviously an experienced keeper I've read many of your posts any thoughts on my Gyna Lurida and Question Mark being slow to get going compared to the cafforum and Domino 

Well I look forward to the results nonetheless! :)

I will say G.lurida were always a bit slow for me, I think they just need more heat than caffrorum to explode. As for the question marks those always were quite prolific for me, but less prolific than normal dominos. Both those Therea spp. take a while to grow and breed though, so I wouldn't worry about the question marks too much.

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Thanks for that mate I'll try moving my Lurida up to a hotter shelf and see what happens 

My orange heads took ages to get going they were always very healthy and wing perfect but seemed slow to breed so I moved them to my top shelf and they're now doing excellent with a full turnover colony having plenty of adults and all sizes of nymphs but the buggers eat me out of house and home with their protein requirements and the more protein the better they thrive they're not too keen on fruit/veg except bananas which they go crazy for 

Wish they and all my roaches were more like my lobsters I keep them on the bottom shelf as they're just too prolific even when cool 







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Nice collection! Gyna lurida yellow is on my 'someday' list. (Yellow roaches 😉) Haven't had any Gyna or Therea species yet so I'm no help.

My orange heads are definitely fussy eaters. They'll eat fruit and veg (especially apples, oranges, grapes) but it's kind of pot luck what they'll take at any one time. One day they snub melon and parsnip, a few weeks later they bolt it down like it's going out of fashion. I've offered them banana skins but they go ignored, while my red heads will strip them. The rough factors on how much they like something seem to be:

1) water content (fruit and veg are their main source of water)

2) sugar content

3) how much it costs me 🤨

Protein food has a heirarchy. Soft pond pellets win over hard dog nuggets. Grassy rabbit nuggets are right out. It's like they say "why is he putting these balls of substrate in our dish?"

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Hi Warren 

Spotted this in my normal Lurida colony some months ago 😁 (also a similar but darker one but couldn't load the pic as it was too big) so hoping I see more in time as I've only one huge female adult left now (sadly not yellow) plus assorted size nymphs so I'm interested in what colour they mature into when they eventually mature that is

It's weird that the same species can vary so much you speak to someone and they say my whatever favourite food is x so you try it with yours and it sits there unblemished till it starts to mould then goes in the bin but I've had several identical colonies of Roaches and pods that have totally different tastes it's bizarre

I give my orange heads dried fish and shrimp which they demolish plus my own dry roach food I've designed and made several types they get the high protein dry one and I've also managed to develope one that mixes with water and sets like the repashy stuff and they savage both high protein types i've also developed similar pod/beetle foods 

My red heads seem to eat anything but love my high protein Roach food as do all my Pods and other roaches too 

I've noticed ALL Roach nymphs regardless of species love high protein food and can be totally different to the adults 

Take care 









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Just had to butcher these pics to make them small enough to post so apologies for the quality 

These are two more from my 'normal' Lurida colony again taken some months ago and the pale one stayed that colour and didn't darken up at all hence with the other yellow one I posted earlier I'm hopeful for some interesting adults in the future fingers crossed 




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On 3/15/2022 at 2:53 AM, Reanne said:

Hi, would this be considered a golden dubia roach?

Please do let me know if it's ok to post this here or if there's somewhere else more suitable. Thanks.


That looks like what one would call a "Gold" line, yes. There are a couple different gold lines that I know of, the European "Gold" line, and then the US/EU "Gold Experience" line isolated by Roachcrossing from individuals from the EU "Gold" line and his own normal B.dubia stock (because for whatever reason the standard EU "Golds" didn't breed that well and weren't virile enough for Kyle's liking).

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