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Sluggish Rhino

Roach Mom

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Hello I am new to the forum. And new to M. Rhinoceros. I just got my 2021 pair last Friday. They were doing good. Then today 1 is acting very sluggish. Doesn’t even fight when I pick it up. Barley walking around. I’m trying to figure out what I have done wrong. I have a sickening feeling it could be drying. But also wondering if it’s trying to prepare to molt. Cage is a large critter keeper with lid off. I contacted the breeder. And removed the log hid and jelly cup. Along with some not so brown leaves. Had a slight bit of a green coloration to them. But didn’t look like they had been eaten. 1 is still doing fine. But this one is super reluctant to move. And when it does move. It seems like it’s trying to flip over. As if on purpose. Lifting up more on one half of the body than the other. I see no injuries. And no missing legs. I cannot upload the picture I took. But in the picture there is  No struggle. But still soft and squishy. Not hard. Just moving the antenna every so slightly. They are keep in my chameleon room. So 73’-76’ average day temps. And I mist one corner of the cage in the mornings. 
Any opinions? 

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Update. I made all the changes. But I guess it was all to late. This morning when I checked it had not moved from the same place as last night. And is now crispy feeling. And zero movement. I just don’t understand what could have happened. I’m so upset. And now super worried about the other one. 

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13 hours ago, kadupul said:

I'm so sorry for your buddy. 😟 Maybe post a shot of your tank? I think that there are some members here who have some rhinos and might be able to help out.

For some reason I can’t post pictures on the page. Maybe the 4K resolution? The breeder seems to think it may have gotten stuck in the molt. But not sure. I’m just super upset today. 

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12 hours ago, MissKenney said:

That sucks!  You didn't even have a chance to figure out the cause of it's demise before it was gone. Do you think you will try again?

Ugh I know. It hasn’t even been a full week yet. The breeder seems to think it might have got stuck in a molt. But no real way to tell. 
I do still have 1. I bought them in a pair. And the one seems to be okay. Hopefully I hone in on the husbandry and this one thrives. The breeder also said he would help me out with a new baby next year. So fingers crossed his females have babies. And I can get another Tommy for my Pam. (Im pretty sure I lost the male and still have the female.) 

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I'm so glad that you're not discouraged by this tragedy. The loss may not have had anything to do with you since it happened so shortly after receiving him. Please keep us updated on your remaining bud.

I think that this site can only show pictures of a pretty low resolution. Maybe someone here know the exact parameters?

There's a way to determine the sex of cockroaches by looking at their booty plates, if you'd like to know for sure. https://www.google.com/search?q=sexing+roaches&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiy1aGJoJn6AhU1M1kFHboVCr4Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=sexing+roaches&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoFCAAQgARQwgVYmytg9yxoAnAAeACAAesEiAGNJ5IBCzAuMS40LjMuMS40mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=oGMkY7KFAbXm5NoPuquo8As&bih=701&biw=1280&client=firefox-b-1-d#imgrc=Ci2q54N_WUR78M


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On 9/15/2022 at 9:26 PM, Roach Mom said:

For some reason I can’t post pictures on the page. Maybe the 4K resolution? The breeder seems to think it may have gotten stuck in the molt. But not sure. I’m just super upset today. 

Yeah images need to be very small on this forum if you upload them directly. Alternatively you can upload them to a different website, and then copy the URL and post the URL directly in your post, which will allow to to keep the higher resolution image.

Very sorry to hear about your loss BTW, not sure what could have happened other than it getting stuck in itself molt... :( What type of leaf litter are you feeding them BTW?

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On 9/15/2022 at 9:31 AM, Roach Mom said:

Update. I made all the changes. But I guess it was all to late. This morning when I checked it had not moved from the same place as last night. And is now crispy feeling. And zero movement. I just don’t understand what could have happened. I’m so upset. And now super worried about the other one. 

They can survive dryness that would kill some other species, but they live underground where they are never dry and I have killed a baby here and there by letting it get too dry. When you say sprayed in one corner I get the feeling it died from dehydration. The bigger they are the less likely dryness kills them.

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