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Gromphadorhina portentosa

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are these still coming in wild ? what part of Madagascar are these found? are these semi arboreal or terrestrial / burrowers ? it seems these to prefer to be over crowded in the containers... so are these found in groups of 100s ? just random thoughts .

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Bamboo and Keith: I've been thinking exactly same! Didn't find info on the actual real original location in Madagascar from the link. Maybe it's a trade secret? :huh: The best info so far is that they're from "the Western part of the island, from dry8ish) dedicuous forests" . But still, it would be fun to know at least some exact locations where these critters live. Most of all it would be interesting to know if they live in any of the existing national park areas or are their territories possibly under threat (as most wildlife in Madagascar is). Also, it would be interesting to know whether anyone brings hissers from the wild to widen the genepool or does it even matter with insects? Who was the first to keep hissers in captivity and when? And yes, it would certainly interesting to see videos from wild populations! Where they live, what exactly do they eat (rotting wood maybe, but what tree species?), how many are there in a typical community, what animals eat hissers and so forth!

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YouTube has videos on some of the rarest and strangest things, so I search for wild hissing cockroach and every video is of domestic ones. Their wild status is least concern, so its not even because they are a protected species. Perhaps the area they live is protected though to prevent filming or hard location to reach for people.

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im keeping around 12 species of roaches .... including three species of hissers , im surprise how much rotting wood and dead leaves actually make up a part of their diet , im been observing them every couple of nights , they seem to eat the rotting wood and dried leaves as much as any carrots , leafy greens,etc. Your post is very interesting and def. something to think about, hippiehisser .

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I've seen a few clips with wild cockroaches being filmed but they are normally short. Look up videos of bat caves and clips from the show Insectia. You can also find some cool videos of day active Australian roaches.

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Thank you Papptomi124. Bamboo go to the link


Then look at the map and click on the dot on the south part of Madagascar. Then you see cockroaches of madagascar. On the right side of that thing or page there is watch video. click on slow connection or fast connection. the slow connection is for slow computers and so is worse quality than the one for good computers.

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