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Best food for roaches

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I feed my roaches mostly carrots and I want to vary their diet I little more. What do you guys usually feed your roaches? Thanks in advance!

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Pretty much all I feed mine is dog food, carrots, and fruit, usually apple. Seems to work nicely. :)

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I try to always have available a small amount of dry ground dog, cat or fish food. Either daily or a few times a week I try to remember to give them a small piece of fruit or vegetable. I only give skinned fruits and vegetables from the grocery store for fear of pesticides (I've had large die offs a few times and I'm not sure if it was from grocery store greens), and greens and berries from my garden. From the grocery store peeled: banana, apple, pear, orange, sweet potato, carrot. From my garden: kale, lettuce, pansie flowers, nasturtium flowers, dandelion flowers & berries.

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Thanks! I might start a mini garden off the side form my real garden just for my roaches. I'll grow lettuce, carrots, and kale. Any other ideas?

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Mine really like edible flowers - pansies, nasturtium, squash, etc.

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All squash flowers are edible. I think pumpkins have some if the biggest flowers and are easy to grow. I tried feeding my roaches the leaves and vines but they were to spiney for them to eat. They do like pumpkin though.

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hmmm. so they can eat dandilion fowers?

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I dont see why not very nutritious. However since its not common in stores becarefull of where you collect since these tend to get sprayed. I dont know how bad herbicide is for roaches but its definantly not a plus.

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Right. thats the only thing i dont like about pickin stuff up outside. but really anything we get we dont know what it went through before we use it.

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I view anything with animal protein (fish food, dog food, cat food, etc.) not good for most species of roaches. Most tropical species of roaches are naturally frugovirous (can never spell that right) and should eat plant matter mostly. High amounts of animal protein on a regular basis cause uric acid to build up regularly in their system. They are meant to do that when they eat animal protein, so in the wild they rarely run across it and only eat a little bit at a time. When they are fed it on a regular basis it causes something akin to liver damage and kidney damage from the amount of fat that builds up in the in what would be their liver and the crystals that would build up in what is equal to their kidney. In other words they live shorter lives when on a diet of high protein. I make my own plant based roach chow, and feed fruits/veggies for water. Though most species of my roaches are feeders, I feed all of my roaches a healthy diet because I believe making everything I keep healthy and happy until the end of it's life.

And it's not hard to provide a high protein diet with just plant material. I have a complete protein in my roach chow that is just grain based.

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While I agree for most roaches a plant based diet is all thats needed and processed meat products ie dog food/fish flake have shown evidence of uric acid build up. The dietary needs of various life stages are different nymphs requireing protien for instance adults however build up uric acid quickly. Also I feel most roaches are opertunistic detrivores not frutivores. They will eat any decaying matter whether its plant or carrion. Also some roaches actively hunt smaller inverts or canabalize. I have given various spieces cricket flour (dried ground up crickets) just to see what happens. Hissers dont eat it, dubia nymphs eat it a lil, e posticas, and lateralis eat it completely before going to grain or veggies. In short grain/plant based foods is great keep it up but with so many spieces evolving all over the world in different environments there isnt a ones size fits all solution but plant based is pretty darn close :)

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1463951864[/url'>' post='36128']

Ok can I feed leafy greens besides lettuce? Like spinach, mustard greens, kale etc

1464625493' post='36336']

Right. thats the only thing i dont like about pickin stuff up outside. but really anything we get we dont know what it went through before we use it.

1464663473[/url]' post='36350']

Its all a gamble the best thing is to grow your own when possible. Hopefully I can make time to garden this year

I feed dandelions, ice plant(Sedum spectabile), Garden herbs (Origano, lovage, coriander), any spoiled fruit from my fruiting bushes and trees. All from my own garden, so I know exactly what has been used in their culturing. Growing your own food is a great idea. Also as regards animal protein, a little does no lasting harm, and always remember when feeding an animal or oneself that a varied diet of fresh healthy nutritious food is the key to a healthy life. He says as he reaches for the pizza delivery menu.

All the best from Bill. :D

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  • 4 years later...
On 5/23/2016 at 1:14 AM, Jinx13 said:

Mine really like edible flowers - pansies, nasturtium, squash, etc.

Hi my names Karen and I’m new to keeping hissing cockroaches you say edible flowers well could they be dry ones sort of like you would feed a tortoise? Mine at the mo quite like insect fuel which is a dry leafy mix which is what I feed my crickets which are a live food my roaches are defo pets don’t get me wrong only I’m looking for ideas on how to keep them healthy and happy 

regards from Karen 

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