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I'm French and quite new to the subject, I have been very much interested in pets in general and hissers particularly for many years now and eventually got some P. vanwearebeki and E. Javanica last week, I apologize in advance for my spelling and grammar (please correct me if my english gets too shitty) but yeah... Glad to be here and all.

I started a tumblr to keep track of my breedings at roachotherkin.tumblr.com if you're interested (I think I already saw some of you outhere aha).

Anyway have a great day guys and see you soon

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Welcome to the forum Bob! :)

Nice, those are two cool hisser species, hope they do well for you! The roach hobby in Europe contains a lot more exotic species than what we have in the US, so you should have no problem obtaining some really cool looking roaches!

I look forward to reading your posts and helping out in any way I can! :D

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