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Substrate for Dubias?


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Sorry for the double threads, if I don't make this now I'll forget to do it. >-> 

Are there any real downsides to keeping dubia roaches on substrate? Every 'breeding dubias' or 'dubia care' video I see keeps them off substrate, or only on paper towel. But I put my new dubias into coco fiber, and they seem to really enjoy it, burrowing into it etc. I know it might be slightly less cost effective to giving them substrate when I don't necessarily "need" to, but are there any actual downsides or concerns with giving them some substrate to burrow in and to hold moisture? 

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I think keeping them in a substrate would be fine. They are a burrowing species, so I'm sure they would be more comfortable in an enclosure of that type. I keep mine on egg crates, but that's so i don't have to dig out nymphs whenever I need feeders. Also as you said it should assist with humidity retention as well. Not many downsides in my opinion except for having to search the substrate for roaches if you use them feeder insects, but it's not very difficult as I already do that with other burrowing species i keep. 

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Not many downsides to keeping them on a substrate other than it being harder to find small nymphs if you need them, other than that not much can go wrong, and they'd probably appreciate a substrate TBH. 😄

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They do seem to enjoy their substrate, so I'll probably let them keep it, at least for now. If I end up breeding them into multiple bins then the little ones will probably be kept out of the substrate for convenience, but for now I'll let 'em dig!

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  • 4 months later...
On 8/21/2020 at 2:08 AM, noivurn said:

They do seem to enjoy their substrate, so I'll probably let them keep it, at least for now. If I end up breeding them into multiple bins then the little ones will probably be kept out of the substrate for convenience, but for now I'll let 'em dig!

I keep mine on a special substrait mix bc they're my pets, and they love it! If you use them as feeders, use "creatures soil" and make a bucket strainer so that you can separate the nymphs from the sub easily.

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