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Suggestions for Introducing Yourself

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Here's a general frame of reference for telling us a bit about yourself. Please feel free to completely disregard the suggested questions and just Be You!

1. Do you currently raise any roaches?

2. If so, how many?

3. Do you culture roaches as pets or feeders?

4. If feeders, what kinds?

5. Are there any specific roach questions that you would like to ask the community?

6. How did you find our community?

Thanks for joining Allpet Roaches!

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  • 5 years later...


I'd be very happy to answer the 6 questions. Yes, I have a tank of German roaches that I rescued from a friend's house. The are pets not feeders. I like their brown color and long wavy antennae as all species have. I've also had Madagascan hissers and Blabberous Disorderous from South America. I'm well-known in my hometown as a roach-lover and have one tattood on my right arm. I heard about the community on one of the many pages on roaches that I visited recently. Right now, I don't have a question, but will have many in the future. Thank you for accepting me and here's to our little friends.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been a member on this forum for a pretty long time but I love telling people about my life, especially when they don't wanna know :D

1. Do you currently raise any roaches? Yep

2. If so, how many? Like 6 species I think?

3. Do you culture roaches as pets or feeders? Both; I feed off the ones who I deem unfit to reproduce or excess roaches. I also use them occasionally when I run out of mealworms.

4. If feeders, what kind? Dubia, though I think they're a lot more fun as pets than most people realize.

5. Are there any specific roach questions that you would like to ask the community? Nope; I know it all, and I'm. Duh.

6. How did you find our community? I needed a forum specifically dedicated to roaches to frequent.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi all !

I've been keeping Dubai as feeders for my tarantulas for years , but started watching them as much as my t's, so I recently aqquired some great horned hissers and wanted to find out more about their care. I found a link on Arachnoboards that brought me here and I'm excited to try out some of the more exotic species of roaches !

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Congrats on joining the forum. :) I havnt heard of great horn hissers maybe wide horn (real big dark red) or flat horn (rarer also pretty red) check out roachcrossing.com and thier pics to see the different kinds of hissers. Hes got like all the roaches ever lol. If you have specific care questions feel free to pm me or ask the community every one here is super helpful. My vote for best exotic is pepper roaches big, calm, good display and handleing spieces they got it all. Well have a great day enjoy the board.

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Hi all !

I've been keeping Dubai as feeders for my tarantulas for years , but started watching them as much as my t's, so I recently aqquired some great horned hissers and wanted to find out more about their care. I found a link on Arachnoboards that brought me here and I'm excited to try out some of the more exotic species of roaches !

Welcome, to the forums! :D You probably have Gromphadorhina oblongonata, aka the wide horn hisser, or at least a hybrid of it. This hobby is quite addicting, and you'll probably soon have lots of different species! :)

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  • 1 month later...

1. Do you currently raise any roaches?


2. If so, how many?

I started a Blaptica dubia breeding colony just over 2 months ago

When I spotted some baby dubias, I decided to set up a Shelfordella tartara (Red Runner) breeding colony and the first offspring appeared just ver 3 weeks ago.

I also set up an Elliptorhina chopardi colony but they were nymphs so egg cases have only recently been appearing as "roach tails".

3. Do you culture roaches as pets or feeders?

I find them fascinating creatures to watch so I guess they're pets until they are used as lizard food.

4. If feeders, what kinds?

Currently I only feed excess adult male dubias to my bearded dragons and the occasional adult male red runner to a lucky leopard gecko.

5. Are there any specific roach questions that you would like to ask the community?

I'm sure I'll have many questions to ask as and when I experience "oh no!" moments.

Keeping the dubias in their containers has been problem free.

I haven't spotted any baby red runners outside their enclose.

Let's see what happens when the dwarf hisses produce young climbers. I may not be very popular with my neighbours!

6. How did you find our community?

A general search for roach information and this site had current posts!

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  • 6 months later...

Hi I'm Maia. I keep chameleons and because of them I'm now an accidental gardener and amateur entomologist. I have various insects in my house including a roach bin. I never thought I'd become a member of a forum dedicated to roaches but here I am. Don't tell but some of these roaches are kinda cute. 

1. Do you currently raise any roaches? Yes

2. If so, how many? 250

3. Do you culture roaches as pets or feeders? Feeders but I'd keep certain species as pets if the opportunity arose. 

4. If feeders, what kinds? Dubia but looking for orange head.

5. Are there any specific roach questions that you would like to ask the community? Best place to buy, bought my dubia on Amazon but they don't have any orange head. 

6. How did you find our community? Google 

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Hi Maia! And welcome to the forum!

if your looking for places to buy roaches you should check out

bugs in syberspace

cape cod roaches

and roach crossing 

and of course the classifieds hear. 

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Welcome to the forum Nursemaia, hope you enjoy it here! :) The best places to buy roaches are Roachcrossing, Bugs in cyberspace, and the classifieds section here, you get a lot of good deals in the classifieds. ;)

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  • 5 months later...

1. Do you currently raise any roaches? Yes

2. If so, how many? Two species- Blaptica dubia and Gromphadorhina grandidieri 'Tiger.'

3. Do you culture roaches as pets or feeders? I started with dubias as feeders, but recently added the tiger hissers to my invertebrate collection because I think they're beautiful. 

5. Are there any specific roach questions that you would like to ask the community? I can only wonder how others found their way into the roach hobby. I'm sure I'll have more questions later.

6. How did you find our community? I searched for a roach forum, using those very words in my query. I'm pleased with the civil exchange and general tone of the community here, so I decided to join rather than lurk. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

stimp checking in.

We have a young bearded and got frustrated with crickets.  We have a dubia colony we are trying to get going and are feeding the beardy on small dubias ordered and kept separate for now.  

1. Do you currently raise any roaches? Yes

2. If so, how many? Errr...it was a starter kit from Josh's Frogs, 315 total per the ad.

3. Do you culture roaches as pets or feeders? Feeders 

4. If feeders, what kinds? Dubia only

5. Are there any specific roach questions that you would like to ask the community? Yes, how do I know I am getting nymphs?  I think I found some nymph bodies in the bottom of the container last night when replenishing food and water crystals.  

6. How did you find our community? Google 

I am using a heat pad and a temp controller and use a USB temp tracker in the container to check temp trends, getting 80 at night and 93 or so during the day.  They are eating well, and the dross is starting to pile up, but have not seen any obviously gravid females.  Kit came with 10 females and 5 males, I lost one female the first week.  They are molting in each group as I would expect.  I sporadically feed them fruit, but that attracts small gnat/fruit flies.

The bearded loves them, and prefers them in side-by-side steps vs crickets.  He will not eat green leafy things, we even tried hiding the dubias in his greens.  Loves freeze-dried peas though.

Any and all advice appreciated.


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  • 1 month later...

1. Do you currently raise any roaches? Yes

2. If so, how many? 3 different species for sure


3. Do you culture roaches as pets or feeders? Both

4. If feeders, what kinds? Blaptica dubia

5. Are there any specific roach questions that you would like to ask the community? Yes, I have two separate colonies. One Madagascar hissers (positive they're likely hybrids), and one traded to me as Wide Horn hissers (they appear to be hybrid as well). I would love input.




6. How did you find our community? Searching photo examples of G.oblongata and listed characteristics.

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  • 11 months later...


I’m new to this forum and excited to be here!  There are a lot of gorgeous and fascinating roaches out there and I’m looking forward to learning about them and their care from all who participate in this forum.  

My own experience in roach keeping is limited, but growing.  I have in the past and am currently raising a dubia roach colony that is used as feeders.  I also recently purchased nymphs of Peppered, Orange Spot and Question Mark roaches through “Bugs in Cyberspace” and these animals are being enjoyed as pets and - where appropriate and the animals tolerate the handling, will be used (when grown), as ambassadors for educational programs.

In the future, I hope to expand my roach collection as my knowledge expands.  Eventually, I’d love to have complimentary mixed colonies co-habitating in single tanks with other insects.  I believe this will make a dynamic presentation for others and me. 

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  • 2 years later...

Hi! I just got confirmed and I’m happy to be here :) I have three hissers at the moment, and I’m raising them as pets. I found the community while my fourth one of the bunch had a health problem and what I assume a problem with molting, and passed away and I was trying to find answers to what was wrong. 

I have a few questions since I’m still very new to this. how can I tell my roaches are going to molt soon? What kind of humidity is ideal, I don’t have anything to measure it but currently have been misting the enclosure around twice a day. And then maybe a bit of a morbid question I might make a thread for, has anyone here preserved their roaches after their death, and what techniques have you used and if you have any tips on how to go on about it? I’m really interested in taxidermy, and want to preserve my little fellas. 

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  • 1 year later...

1. Do you currently raise any roaches? Not currently (I had 2 hissers), but I hope to get back into the hobby soon! 

2. If so, how many?

3. Do you culture roaches as pets or feeders? Pets

4. If feeders, what kinds?

5. Are there any specific roach questions that you would like to ask the community? 

6. How did you find our community? Bugs in Cyberspace

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