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how do you heat roaches?

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How do you guys heat your roaches? I understand that many roaches need high temperatures to breed, and I don't know how I would heat them, besides setting the whole house to 85 Farenhiet. Thanks in advance !

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You could use an under tank heater made for reptiles. I would only use that for a glass terrarium though. The small should be fine for a 10-20 gallon terrarium. Here is a link to the under tank heater http://www.amazon.com/Zoo-Med-ReptiTherm®-Under-Heater/dp/B0002AQCKA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389659755&sr=8-1&keywords=zoo+med+heat+pad It says on the packaging to only use it for glass terrariums, but I've seen people use them on plastic containers too.

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Oil filled room heaters to heat the room up. They are safer than the ceramic air pushing units which have exposed elements that can catch fire, and they don't dehydrate the air in the room or more importantly the animals living in there which leads to health problems.

Or I would put a low wattage light bulb inside the cage. I don't use a screen top that's just heating the air and removing important humidity. There is a big problem with this type of cage and thousands of animals in it they breath, poop, and die and then high heat and humidity make a lot bacteria build up if you forget to maintain them.



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i have a set of 48" shelves with 48" ultratherm heat pad w dimmer, on the shelf and am able to but 3 or 4 bins on the same pad. these heat pads do not get as hot as the sticky under tanks heaters. i have 3 shelves set up like that.. you can get the heat bats which are at beanfarm.com come in many sizes that will suit your needs. have used them on plastic snake hatchling racks as well as by roach bins.

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thanks guys, this helps alot. i think i will get the oil filled room heater, cause i plan on getting lots of roaches, and having the whole room heated would be best i think.

plus i love warmth. :D again, thanks!

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Just my 2 cents...I've tried it all. I now keep my room at the temperature I want (75 F) and heat all of my roach enclosures that need added heat with


They are very inexpensive and are very durable. I had some of their under tank pads but they all broke and I was very careful with them. The elements burned holes through the pad and this shorted them out. The above cable has never done this after 7-10 years...and I have a bunch. Never had one break. : ) Good luck with whatever you choose.

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Just my 2 cents...I've tried it all. I now keep my room at the temperature I want (75 F) and heat all of my roach enclosures that need added heat with


They are very inexpensive and are very durable. I had some of their under tank pads but they all broke and I was very careful with them. The elements burned holes through the pad and this shorted them out. The above cable has never done this after 7-10 years...and I have a bunch. Never had one break. : ) Good luck with whatever you choose.

Nice reminds me of soil heaters for greenhouses.

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