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pannaking22 last won the day on December 17 2022

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    Tex/Mex Border, USA
  • Interests
    Arachnids, insects, roaches of course!, entomology, rearing and breeding a variety of invertebrates, birding, macrophotography

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Hissing Cockroach

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  1. Hmmm, well that could cause some issues then. I was looking in their enclosure yesterday and there are a few large larvae but not a lot of small ones, so that may have been what happened. The species are split now just to be safe. Presumably it'd still be an issue within a species? I'll try to get some pics for you @Hisserdude Interestingly, I've noticed that of all the food I've given them, peppers have been the favorite. Most of my roaches nibble at peppers but don't really eat them (G. caffrorum excepted because they eat everything), so it's nice to have something I can throw bits of pepper at instead of throwing it away.
  2. I'm trying my hand with two species Eleodes I found, but like an idiot I tossed them all in together for a couple days while trying to set up a second enclosure and now I have loads of larvae in the first. Not the end of the world, the two species are different enough that they'll be easy to separate once they hit adulthood, but still a definite oops on my part. They're just on cocofiber with some pieces of corkbark in for cover and climbing and it looks like they're doing really well.
  3. Sorry for the delayed response, its been a while since I was on here! It's really only necessary for the larger/meatier roaches (hissers, probably a good idea with Blaberus if you can't get them to dry fast). You can cut a line ventrally on the abdomen and gently pull out all the innards, then stuff it with cotton, put a dab of glue on the cut area, and seal it again. Let the whole thing dry and you should be good to go! You could probably also do it laterally, though I don't know what kind of damage that would cause since you'd be tearing through the spiracles/support structures there. Resin note: we found that lubbers discolored over time unless they were gutted first. The discoloration was pretty bad, some specimens basically rotted away in the resin. If you gut them and give them a day or two to dry before putting them in the resin the colors stick much better.
  4. Glad to see the thread revived, thanks Test Account!
  5. Sorry to hear that man Sounds like they really are a picky species. Even though it sucks it still provides some good info everyone can use in the future with this species.
  6. Those are indeed mites. Let the enclosure dry out a bit and that should knock the numbers back some. That or you can give each enclosure a good cleaning and basically start over. They're always going to be there, it's just trying to manage the numbers so they don't get out of control. You can also try ordering predatory mites and releasing those. Sometimes they just show up though, so it's your call whether you want to buy some or not. Pretty much anything to knock the mites back will be good. It'll give your springtails time to gain ground and hopefully keep them in check. Do you feed your isopods something grain based?
  7. They aren't super picky. Adults (especially males) are active at all times, though females tend to come out more after dark. They'll rest wherever they feel comfortable and treat everything as a climbing surface. Eventually you'll want that 5.5 gal when they start really producing lol. I don't know how many hundreds I have in mine anymore and this is after selling half my colony before moving a few months ago.
  8. Nope, didn't purchase any. I actually just moved so I'm trying to settle in before picking up any new inverts. Still hoping to get this species at some point though.
  9. Appreciate the tag and plug for my blog, @Hisserdude! I'll get around to updating it at some point after I finish moving.
  10. The European hobby has bred tons of different millipede species, but they have quite a bit more availability than we do here in the US. Orthoporus ornatus is one that I don't believe has been bred so far, but most other large US species have.
  11. Looks to be but I'll put it under the scope to check. Not so sure about the part still stuck inside her, so I'd guess that'll be the crucial point.
  12. Unfortunately one of the I. deropeltiformis females I found last week died with an ooth still being exuded. Does anyone think it would still be viable even though she didn't drop it like they normally do?
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