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Found 22 results

  1. So quite obviously Strumosa is very hard to come by in roaches in the US and I have seen very few people with success, after doing some searching around in this forum found some interesting stuff. Some claims have been made when Lucihormetica or Hormetica haven't bred when shipped as adults or at least that is what I thought TJ meant in his post about it. Is maybe that Hormetica Strumosa needs to be sent as nymphs for them to get established to breed? Wizentroop and Tyrandall are the two people that I know of that is successful. I really want to get into these guys in the future (Not anytime soon). Just really wished there was more information on why people are having a hard time with them such as TJ. Another good point to provide is how Tyrandall provides them rotting wood like soon roaches need, of course, he states that he replaces it after it has been used up, etc. If you guys have any ideas on why their so hard I'd love to talk about it. Their an absolutely beautiful roach and needs to be figured out when it comes to their breeding.
  2. After I get settled into my blaberus giganteus I will order off Kyle in a few weeks I want to get into the Gyna genus by starting off with Gyna lurida. I have really fallen in love with the Gyna lurida “yellow” but questions weather their offspring produce yellows and normals, some people on the roach guild server said they have mostly yellow offspring and a small percentage of normal offsprings. So if anyone could help please do🙏
  3. I have 6 Armadillidium klugii. They are in a small container with moss, egg shell hides, and a high quality substrate (as well as food, obviously). But they haven't produced for me yet, so I was wondering what your guys tips and tricks are. I'm planning on decreasing the humidity thanks to Orins book. I've had them ever since August. Thanks guys!
  4. I don’t want my hissers to breed, but I may get a few females. Will keeping them at 23 degrees stop their breeding rates or is it close enough to 75 that they’ll breed anyway?
  5. Greetings. I’ve recently come across the Isopod community and I’ve been enthralled. After some research, I decided to breed the Species Porcellio Scaber. However, after some research I concluded that in Australia, where I live, there are no colour morphs available other than the standard wild type. It is my personal goal to produce a stable colour morph for the Australian Isopod community. I would very much appreciate it if you could critique my methods and such for this breeding program, so I can improve it. Methods: Enclosures Two populations were purchased from separate breeders, with 50 individuals in both populations. Each population is kept within separate containers, the first population hereby referred to as line “A” is kept within a thermostat-controlled Terrarium that also houses two Giant burrowing cockroaches, the second population referred to as Line "B" is kept within a more basic enclosure. The terrarium is kept at a stable 22.5 *C (72.5*F) temperature, although occasionally the temperature rises to as high as 26*C (78.8*F) at times. Humidity ranges between 63% R.F to 80% R.F. The enclosure is misted 3 times a week. The substrate is a mixture of cocofibre and sand. The Isopods are provided with a variety of hardwood leaves, including Oak, eucalyptus, and American Sweetgum. Supplementary food is provided once a week in either the form of carrot, potatoe, or a specialised Isopod food purchased from Minibeasts.com. In addition, pulpy wood has been provided as well as a calcium supplement (cuttlebone). The second enclosure is a basic 10L (2.64 Gallon) tub. It is a relatively opaque blue container, to minimise light in the enclosure. This enclosure is not heated, however since the room is heated the temperature is a relatively stable 23*C (73*F) during the day, although it occasionally drops down to a minimum of 21*C (69.8*F) at night and to a max of 26*C (78.8*F) during hot days. The humidity is uniformly above 90% R.F. It is misted once a week due to the lower rate of ventilation and evaporation. The substrate within is purely coconut fibre. A mix of the same hardwood leaves as in the terrarium are provided, in addition to a range of decomposing rainforest leaves sold as millipede food. Supplementary food and cuttlebone is the same. Populations: The two populations are sourced from entirely separate gene pools that are geographically isolated. The first population (Line A) is sourced from a population that has been kept in captivity for multiple generations and is generally consistent, although two albino individuals have been isolated from this line. The second population (line has been kept in captivity for far less time and has been sourced from wild caught individuals only a couple of generations ago. The two populations originated from locations 2,900KM separated. This population shows a great variation in phenotypes. Breeding objective: My objective is to isolate any distinct variety of colour morph. What is the best method to go about this? Thus far, I’ve been waiting for a second generation of isopods to be produced in each of the enclosures. Could the albino line be isolated from line A? Questions I’ve also seen quite a few Orange coloured variations in the American Porcellio Scaber populations, is it a common morph that is produced? In addition, do you think that if I made a third, intermediate, population that the mixing of the genetically isolated populations would produce a number of new variations? Lastly, are there any improvements on my setup that could be made? Kind Regards.
  6. Ive suspected that three of my dubia females were pregnant but I wasn't too sure.... One day I found an aborted ootheca being eaten by the dubes. (Dubia + Dude.....lol) Last week (around a week after the first one) I found another ootheca being eaten. This morning at 2am my biggest female was acting weird and opening her vent super wide. At 8am I found the proud mama eating on the banana I put in just in case she did have babies with like twenty little white tic tacs running all over her. Theyre adorable! Does anyone have advice on how to get them out? The dubias I currently have were given to me as pets and I would like to keep it that way but I want to start a breeder colony just for fun. I want to separate the nymphs into a separate container but I dont want to hurt them? Last time I checked most of them were still white and I dont want to squish them. I also dont want them running up and off of my arms/hands. Does anyone have any tips? Thanks!
  7. Guess what, you fantastic cockroach lovers!!! Last night, I heard a lot of ruckus from my roach’s cute little abode. I (very dazed and sleepy) looked at the clock after a loud scrambling sound woke me up....3 AM... UGH. I stumbled over to the exhibit, and was shocked to what I found. Marcus (my desperate male) and Layla ( my grumpy female) were FINALLY mating!!! I popped out of my 3 AM trance and did a little jig. OKAY. I did not actually do a jig... We’re going to have nymphs, everybody!!!
  8. Hello friends, I wasn't sure about to start this thread, but maybe it could be useful for someone :-) I breed Red Runners using the same "cricket breeding model", and I've found that is a really organised way to breed this species. I guess it begins with the harvesting of oothecae. Every some weeks I carefully take the most oothecae as possible away to the colonies tanks. Sometimes I do this at the same time of cleaning session in the colony, so I can replace the dirty substrate (free of oothecae) after that. I use another bin with slightly moist substrate to put a layer of around one centimetre of Red Runner oothecae :-) At this point the growing tank should be ready for them to hatch and be free :-) I used to use crater pieces as ramps for them to get out of the incubator tupper by themselves; but mines use to be a little cowards and they takes their time to jump out of it. So I prefer to let the craters in and shake them out every some while They are a lot, and in some weeks it will be necessary to divide the colonies into different tanks, I use to change the dirty substrate at this point again, is really easy when you don't have to be careful of discarting any oothecae :-) And then they will have enough space to reach adulthood in a healthy way... I use to do another complete cleaning of the tank before they start laying new oothecae... it makes such the work less chaotic ;-) And at this point I make "the purge" ... that means to take away the excess of males to reach a sex ratio of (in appearance) around 1 male for every 5 females... I use them all for the current tarantula´s feeding session... I leave a satisfying video of some of them here... ...And well, from here the process start again... This way I keep my Red Runner colonies clean, separated by sizes and always ready to use! Bye!
  9. I apologize if this is posted incorrectly I was literally just approved to use this website(and roach keeping in general) I am planning on getting two female gromphadorhina portentosas and maybe a male as well. Assuming that the female(s) will be...with child...upon arrival (I've read that that's common) then what do I do? I don't want to breed. I am not ready for that yet. I also dont want them in the normal enclosure. If they do give birth I have a friend with a medium sized bearded dragon and I would give the nymphs to them as food. If the females appear to be pregnant could I move them to one of those cricket bins that they sell for live crickets at the pet store? I dont want a storage tub or anything just a temporary holding area. Like a baby room. If I see them actively giving birth would it be okay to lift them up and put them in a cricket bin? Should I get some kind of scooping utensil and take her and the bedding into the new container? Is it even safe for the nymphs to be seperated from their mother right after birth? Even if they are going to be for food I don't want them to be mistreated if that makes any sense. Depending on the possibility/functionality of this system I would get a male. Not any time soon but one day. I've been in love with Madagascar Hissing Roaches since I was a small child and I saw them at an educational insect fair and I've been doing research on having them as pets for a long time. I have many more questions but this is my biggest concern. please note that I have not purchased any hissers yet, I want everything set up and all questions answered before I do. I want to make sure I'm as prepared as possible to give these lovely creatures the best life possible.
  10. My Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches Cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa) just gave birth again, and we might not have enough space in our house to house all the new nymphs. Do any of you want to adopt them as pets, not as feeders?
  11. Hi, I've been working with the last of my colony of Loboptera decipiens pretty intensively for over a month, and during removing some spoiled food on Monday, I found a little Ootheca. There may have been others as today I saw a tiny yellow being walking over a dead leaf! I think I have baby roaches! Way to small to get a good picture of but I hope to see more soon. All the best from Bill.
  12. Hi! I've got a rather large (at least I think it is....?) colony of Dubias, and I'm not entirely sure if it's time to split them up. I've had them for about a year, but the initial count was extremely low so they're just now jumping off! Wondering if it's time to split the adults up, or maybe adults, nymphs, and juvies? I think my count is in the mid 300's.. not sure though!!! Any input would be greatly appreciated!
  13. Hi, I have my peppered roaches since January 2015, and they matured in March 2015, they started breeding and i saw that the females have oothecae in June but i haven't seen any nymphs yet. So my question is how long does it takes to give a birth ? Thank you
  14. P. aegtiaca I'm told that P. aegtiaca take up to two years to reach adult from newborn nymph, is this true? How long do they live as adults? and i heard that they eat mostly, leaves and protein supplement, with an occasional nibble on fruit, is this true? how long does this species incubate for? what's the best temperature and humidity for this species? B. Peruvianus How long do these take to reach adult from new born nymph? how long do they live as adults? i use water crystal gel, apples an a protein supplement for this species, is this alright? how long does this species incubate for? and whats the best temperature and humidity for this species? Please comment some answers and thank you for your time, George.
  15. I split my Dubia colony into two, i now have one tank for nymphs and a tank for adults, its been just over a month now and I've had no nymphs from my adults at all. I feed them mostly apple, carrot and a protein supplement called "BugGrub" could the acidic diet be stopping them from breeding? they never touch cucumber when i put it in their tank, I recently started using water crystal gel(Like yesterday), will this help? any tips? Please help!
  16. Need care help for my soon coming P. Aegtiaca,(Egyptian sand roaches) B. Peruvianus (Peruvian cave roaches) any information or link would be useful, do they need substrate? if so, what best? what would they eat? is fruit, veg and bug grub enough?
  17. basically i just want to know how to sex PRE-Adult Discoids, i have heard a 1001 different ways and im wondering if there is a sure fire way to tell
  18. I have roughly around 250-300 and 50-60 males in a tub I have no substrate. I am using a 58 quart sterilite tub I painted out side black I have 9-10 vertical egg flats, humidity is around 80-90 and day temps of 80-85 degrees and night temps of 76-74 degrees there food consists of almost 30% protein, also feed them sweet potatoes and oranges and I have water crystals for moisture and mainly for humidity. All adults are freshly shed about 1 month ago and I have seen so far 6-8 egg sacks dropped and no nymphs I have other bins that a have nymphs in all sizes, im not sure what im doing wrong, I was told I should put a few mix sizes nymphs in the bin with adults.
  19. Take a look at these hybrid babies! (The parents are the bottom two, and the two on top are male hybrid offspring) Beautiful crosses between a male Tiger Hisser and a female Madagascar Hisser. I think they're really cute! Does anyone know if they would look different if the mother was a Tiger Roach, and the father was a Madagascar Hisser?
  20. What kind of cockroach can reproduce asexually like American roach and Surinam roach? Can Periplaneta australasiae do so?
  21. well its going to be a year in august that i got my original 500 red runners and they still HAVENT bred for me! most of them i sold off because of the breeding issues but i still have about 10-30 and i know i didnt get all females or all males because i have winged ones (males) and dark almost black ones (females). i dont understand. i bred hissers by accident. i have a large colony of dubia (which have been breeding slower and growing really slow). i have been having to many problems with roaches breeding except the hissers but the babies got out and died and the adults have passed on. if anyone has any advice or questions ill answer them i suppose
  22. This is the F5 Generation of a breeding Program that I started September 2010 to see if I could isolate the yellow coloration in the Dubia population. I have had some success, but the quest still continues!
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