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Acro last won the day on January 13 2022

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  1. I second Aquatic Inverts! I've been keeping aquatic animals (fish, turtles, amphibians, crayfish/shrimp, snails) for over 20 years. I find it odd that aquatic insects and aquatic arachnids have not really moved into the aquarium hobby. Land crabs and amphibious crabs. If breeding in captivity could be figured out, I'm sure more could be kept. Vampire crabs are amazing (and fairly easy to breed), and coconut crabs are out of this world!
  2. Extremely cool! I know you were trying to compost with roaches, are you apart of that program?
  3. That is so great! Thanks for the news!
  4. Check this for a bunch of links: https://www.roachforum.com/topic/4404-male-elliptorhina-javanica-halloween-madagascar-hissing-roach-with-deformed-exoskeleton/#comment-26227
  5. Porcellio scaber 'Orange' are one of my favorites! Another beautiful and easy orange is Porcellionides pruinosus 'Orange' . . . but my fave is still scaber!
  6. You did get Peppereds from me about . . . 20 or 25 years ago I think. I've lost most (if not all) of the records from that far back. But back in the early days of roach keeping, there were a lot less hybrids than there are now. A lot less species being kept too. lol
  7. I'd like to try Blatticomposting (and other types of composting) this year. Maybe use Ivoryhead roaches for Blatticomposting, I've read that they are the best.
  8. Happy Halloween! I want October to last longer this year, I'm not ready to take down the decorations!
  9. Here is another substrate additive. To keep your beetles clean. All this stuff was at a discount store (plus a bunch more items), the above photos come from their insect section. They also had a great fish supply section too.
  10. I remember seeing beetle stuff like that when I was in Japan, back in 2011! I've been aching to go back (and not just because of the beetle stores)! OH I miss Japan! Thanks for posting that Orin. And that's your daughter!?!? I feel like I've seen that kid grow up through the images in your books! What brought her to Japan? She may have said in the video, but I just skipped to the beetle part. Next time I'm in Japan, I'm bringing so much beetle/insect stuff back! What did you find most useful from the box she sent you? Here are some photos I took from my visit, some of it is like what she sent you. I remember selling some of the stuff I brought back, you got some of the Japanese beetle jellies from me, remember? The "Decayed Tree" were great for Stag Beetle larvae. I sold some and used a few. I wish I had more of them! This is one of the additives for substrate, it's commonly used.
  11. We have: 63. Periplaneta americana = American Cockroach 64. Periplaneta americana ("white eye" strain) = White Eye American Cockroach Isn't there a Periplaneta americana "Black" strain? Common name could be: Black American Cockroach. I know there is the new Periplaneta americana "Venom" that could be added (and I think this strain was created via the black strain). This could simply be called Venom American Cockroach (or Venom Villain American Cockroach, for fun).
  12. Maybe this? https://www.carolina.com/browse/product-search-results?Ntt=leeches&Nr=OR(product.type%3AProduct)&tab=p&question=leeches&searchExecByFormSubmit=true Good Luck!
  13. You are basically "composting" those unwanted cereals. I'd suggest reading these threads: https://www.roachforum.com/topic/8323-blatticomposting-noob-how’s-my-setup/?tab=comments#comment-48837 https://www.roachforum.com/topic/5780-looking-for-inspiratonsuggestions/?tab=comments#comment-31274 And be sure to see this one: https://www.roachforum.com/topic/9517-starting-with-blatticompostng/?tab=comments#comment-52056 Good Luck!
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