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Found 21 results

  1. The first few months last November when I got my Halloween issuers they had tons of nymphs after that for the next 6 months nothing. And during this summer the have had two litters of nymphs. Finally feels like these guys are going somewhere agian, the nymphs are starting to grow up very quickly. Been a bit sense my last post mainly been busy.
  2. I currently have an enormous colony of gromphadorhina portentosa with around 80-100 individuals, as you could think there are many giant piles of their feces and I mean just straight piles of it since they gather up and crowd with each other. Would powder orange isopods be the way to go to help get rid of some of this without having to scoop it out all the time? I've heard about them overpopulation but if I control it properly with they do well together? I regularly clean out their feces and any leftover exo skeletons monthly, it would also be a good chance to keep two species in one enclosure without having to make more enclosures they will also be provided with the heat. Any thoughts?
  3. My second ever roach specie I got into and I will always love the bright reds on female javanicas they are definitely such an awesome specie, anyways here’s a nice photo that Allpet roaches actually accepted.
  4. Hello all! I'm a new roach owner - I have 4 Madagascar hissers, two adults and two juveniles. I've had them about 3 weeks now, and they never eat a noticeable amount of food before I change it out. I've been going through posts on here and am feeling a bit better about that, as it seems fairly common? I give them lettuce, carrots, grapes, and cat/dog food pellets. The vegetables wilt pretty rapidly, so I was giving them new food every night at first but they don't touch it. It almost seems like one of them hasn't eaten at all - that or he is very good at being in the same exact spot every time I look for them. I am also wondering how everyone monitors moisture level? I got a hygrometer to measure the percent humidity, and through some research it seems like I should try to have their tank at 60% humidity at a minimum. So usually I've been doing a daily routine of misting the tank, soaking their peat moss until it's lightly saturated and then putting it back, and filling their water dish. With all this, the hygrometer would read only about 50% at the most (we have cold and dry winters here) so now I am also keeping a humidifier running right next to their tank. With this I can get the humidity up to 80%. Is this too much moisture/over-doing it? A long first post - but I want my new little pets to be happy and am so excited to be an invertebrate owner!
  5. My name is Missie, I am a 48 year old female Veteran and animal lover. My nephew asked me to acquire some Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches for his birthday May 2022. He knows I have a secluded hobby farm and a love of all things strange and creepy crawly. Little did I realize that as my 27 year fascination with mice was drawing to an end, this package I got in the mail with my order of "Breeding pair" would include a couple dozen babies and I would soon have 2 tanks full of gorgeous giant roaches! As a very solitary child growing up in the city my greatest joy besides books was turning over rocks near my house to see what was crawling underneath. When i joined 4-H I got to follow their Entomology program and had dreams of growing up to be an Entomologist. Sadly, that never worked out, but now I have some dreamy bugs that I'm totally in love with. I'm a pretty loyal lover, I won't be jumping from the Hissers to a few dozen other varieties of insect pet. I am working on making my tanks attractive, healthy, and interactive. Just 4 months after getting them I wake each morning to revamp my list of new substrates, decor, lighting, foods etc. that I want to buy. I'm even considering getting some NVG's to interact with them in their most comfortable environment. Luckily my Significant other heads to work in the woods at 1am so I can have coffee with him, say good-bye and have the perfect couple hours to observe and handle my lovely bugs. The babies have grown so large so fast and there are so many personalities in each tank. I'm considering getting a full USB power strip for them that handles red fairy lights and mini air cleaners and maybe fans for summer. So far I have not seen a USB heater for them. They are so much easier to keep then mice that I'm pretty sure this will be my lifetime passion. They are not a common pet in Maine due to A- People here are typically old fashioned. B- It's too freaking cold and lots of people are trying to move here and live off-grid (knuckle-heads). Not an idea that will support Hissers. C- Not much communication via internet or groups up here. I'm a good organizer, I might try to create a website, interest and a little club to get these guys more recognition and acceptance. Happy to meet you all and hope to get caught up on all the great information available on this cool forum.
  6. I am collecting as many species of hissers as possible. How many and what are the hisser species? I also am interested in the emerald roach. The lobster roach and pepper roach also have my interest.
  7. I got 7 hissers at the beginning of January. If I'm counting/observing correctly, they've since had 4 broods of nymphs. I sold 20 to a kid from craigslist yesterday, but at this rate I'm still going to have a serious population issue in a few months if I'm not proactive. I'm removing the under-tank heater to slow them down a little bit. My plan was to get a carnivorous insect or two, or perhaps a bearded dragon, to help manage the population. According to this thread, they're too tough for most critters to eat. I don't particularly want a lizard big enough to get into fights with my cat. Are nymphs/juveniles too tough? I feel like the right hungry mouths could take care of most of them before they reach adulthood. Stray adults seem like they might be easier to pass to someone else than toilet paper tubes full of scuttling legs, like I sold yesterday. That may be more of a niche market. What options do I have for population control if they don't make good feeders for anything besides tegus or monitors?
  8. Got the opportunity to draw some of my roaches for a school assignment These are just sketches, but I would love to do some nicely rendered art of them soon. I would love to see more art of bugs while I'm here! If any of y'all wanna share your art here, please do
  9. I've recently obtained pure strains of these MHC species (G. portentosa, G. grandidieri white tiger, P. vanwaerebeki) and plan to obtain (G. oblongonota, E. javanica). My question is: Which of these species can safely be housed together without there being any possibility of hybridization OR harm to adults or nymphs? I already read that the Princisia Giants will hybridize but what about the others?
  10. I have 10 females and 1 male hissing cockroaches. I have this one cockroach (female) that always stays as close as possible to the light, reacts weird to the touch with a nervous fast movement almost like shaking as it walks. I noticed she’s missing part of one of her mid legs and she has a lot of trouble climbing objects, for that reason I find her laying on her back most of the time not being able to turn back to her feet. Is there a chance she could be sick? Or else? 62252309353__4D59AC99-4ED3-4347-842E-2354970550D8.MOV
  11. Not much info on these gorgeous little buddies, beyond comparisons to G. portentosa. I read an article concerning the latter and how they form bonds with individuals that take the time to pet them. They learn the scent, and react hissy towards strangers. I have been bonding with my male daily, leaving the obviously gravid female on her own because i do not want to risk stressing her into miscarrying. I am not sure if he enjoys the light pets i give him, but he has however grown quite tolerant of my affection. At first he never stopped hissing when i touched him, then transitioning into objectionable hisses when he was removed from his enclosure for petting but not hissing a peep once he was in my hands. We've now reached the point of total calmness when he is removed and petted. Is there a resource I can't seem to find that goes into greater detail about this sp? I am not sure how similar javanica and portentosa truly are beyond similar care and behavior. I am interested in the relationship they and similar species have with humans, and why they grow tolerant for such a primitive insect as if they can indeed form a bond with another species. My first guess is their communal nature, but i feel there is a lot more to learn from this species.
  12. Not affiliated with the zoo... just passing on the info. https://bronxzoo.com/roach
  13. Help with ID? I’m still fairly new to this hobby, and the other day, I was reading up on hisser breeds. I found that my female looks almost nothing like my male, except for the fact that she is definitely a hisser. Could she be the coveted bumpy hisser or am I just getting my hopes up? She is textured as I hope you can see. I bought her at a pet shop as a MHC. My male is definitely a MHC, he fits the bill. He is pretty docile and likes being handled, while she can be somewhat fussy and picky about food but I believe this may just be personality type A Picture of the roaches So, thoughts? Could she be a bumpy hisser? I don’t care either way, I love her no matter what, I’m just really, really curious.
  14. Guest

    Selling hissers

    Im selling some hissing roachs. Im just wanting to get rid of some of mine i have way to many. I'll do like $15 for shipping and like $1 per roach.
  15. I'm new to this forum but needed to post this somewhere because to be honest I'm really bamboozled right now. I got my first pet cockroaches about a year ago, two male Madagascar hissers. Last August or so one died, so I went online and ordered 5 more males to keep the survivor company. They sent me 4 males, a female, and a female dubia. I emailed the seller and they were honestly quite amazing, offered to let me ship any females I didn't want for free and send replacement males. Just wanting some pets and not a multiplying colony, I sent back the female hisser but kept the dubia thinking hissers and dubias won't breed. They sent two replacement males, leaving me with 7 males and a female dubia by September 1st. Fast forward to now, the second original male hisser also died but I still have the 6 new males and the dubia. The hissers bully each other sometimes but as a whole everyone gets along quite nicely. Yesterday I went to feed them and lo and behold, there's 15 or so little baby nymphs! I look at my dubia and she's still a little "open" (I don't know the correct terminology) so they were clearly hers. I isolated her and all the nymphs I could find but now I'm wondering... How?? I never hear of dubia/hisser hybrids but unless she had a 5 month gestation period and I aquired her pregnant... That's what I have. I still don't know what I'm going to do with them all because I still don't want an ever-multiplying colony but I'll figure something out because I must say the babies are so darn cute and I'm quite attached to the dubia. Thanks for reading, sorry this was long. Has anyone else had something similar happen?
  16. I have yet to see my flathorn hissers chow down on anything I put in their enclosure. Has anyone found a favorite food item they enjoy?
  17. we have some soft key limes left from margaritas the other night..can my roaches eat them safely? they love oranges but idk if the acidity is worse or?
  18. so, our female had her babies on April 14th, 2015. When should we expect their first molt? We have them on moist eco earth and they are near a heating pad but not directly on it so their temp is about 75F degrees . Ive heard people say that we lose about half of them between now and adulthood. These being our first batch of offspring i really don't want to lose any of the babies :c we've started calling them the 'grandbugs'. gotta love babies!
  19. So, we have three adult Madagascar hissers, one is a little female that we are like 80% sure is a hybrid. We just became the proud grandbug grandparents of 61 little roaches, who just had their first molt. pretty little things! I'm becoming more interested in some really pretty colored wide horns? i hear they have some pretty coloration and get bigger? is that true? This picture has me just fascinated. http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/Roaches/images/GportentosaMale.jpg
  20. Hello there. My name is Nick and I'm from Greece (obviously ). I'm not exactly new to roach keeping, as I breed two colonies (one Blatta lateralis and one Blaptica dubia) as feeders for my geckos. Soon however I'll be acquiring two hissing roach species (Aeluropoda insignis and Elliptorhina javanica). I don't intend in keeping them together, to avoid domination of one species against the other (can they create hybrids?). Of course I won't breed them as feeders for my geckos... So I have a few questions. First things first, do their care differ from Madagascar hissing roaches? Secondly, I want to house them in horizontal plastic tubs with ventilation from the lid. Are the nymphs small enough to escape from the rift between the tub and the lid? As far as I know, for those two species, both nymphs and adults can climb smooth surfaces pretty well (am I wrong?). Also, I will use soil and leaf litter as substrate, with a few wood logs. They are going to be field-collected, so is washing with hot water and the one-day storage in the chiller enough to clean the dirt and kill any parasites or micro-organisms? Last but not least, I wanted to keep few millipedes with the same requirements mixed with them (preferably Archispirostreptus gigas). Is it safe or not? Could they carry any diseases or parasites to the other species, eat the nymphs or use toxic liquid? Thanks in advance!
  21. I started my Cockroach collection about a month and a half ago. I started with a simple Box of Dubais They gave birth in roughly 27days after buying them and setting them up. I was over joyed ! I also got so e madagascar hissing cockroaches around the same time, but theyhaven't given birth yet.
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